EverTuneTV Martin Miller Ibanez Guitars
We sit down with guitarist/instructor/Ibanez artist and medley master Martin Miller for a lively discussion about his signature model, what constitutes a "normal" week for him, and how you get through a 20-minute song in one take.
New Guitar Release Factory Installed Ibanez Guitars
From our friends at Ibanez, we have the RG5121ET. Part of Ibanez's prestigious Prestige line of guitars (see what we did there?), the RG5121ET boasts an amazing set of features, including an African mahogany body, a 5-piece maple
Videos EverTuneTV Kiko Loureiro Megadeth
We sit down with Megadeth virtuoso Kiko Loureiro for a deep dive on his current gig and a mega-deep dive on the history of Brazilian music. Not to be missed!
JB Brubaker Testimonials Ibanez Guitars
The August Burns Red guitarist is now the happy owner of an awesome EverTune-equipped Ibanez, which he summed up like this: "I love the EverTune guitar. It’s very sick and works perfectly.".
Gallery In-House Installations AfterMarket Upgrade
We did the install on this beautiful Ibanez for a guy who might be from Brazil, who might have two Ks in his name, and who might be in a Mega-huge band. We think you're going to be hearing a lot of parts cut with this guitar in 2022...
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