Bridge Tech Specs

Size and weight?

An EverTune bridge weighs 0.58KG (1.28 pounds).

The actual weight added is only about 6 – 8 ounces (170 grams – 225 grams) since we subtract the weight of the wood and hardware removed.

Bridge Dimensions

Click here to download a PDF for the F & T model dimensions and here for the G model dimensions.

F and T overall dimensions

Pocket Route

Click here to download a PDF of the route pocket for the F model, here for the T model route pocket and here for the G model route pocket.

F, F7 and F8 Differences

The F7 model is identical to the F model except that it is 0.41 inches (10.4mm) wider. The F8 model is identical to the F model except that it is 0.82 inches (20.8mm) wider.

pocket route dimensions

What is the string spacing?

The saddle to saddle spacing is 0.41 inches (10.4mm) on average.

The saddles are floating and as such do have some side to side mobility so the spacing can vary a tiny bit from this average but is usually right about on the average.

Zone 2 Variation Tolerance

Zone 2 can have some slight variation. If the pitch change is less than 7 cents from playing position to one half turn down into Zone 2 then the module's Zone 2 is within spec.

One half turn means loosening the tuning peg at the headstock by a turn of the wrist.

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